Developing the Theoretical Indicators of Implementing Talent Management in Iran Sports Organizations (Based on Grounded Theory Approach)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd Student of Sport management, Islamic Azad university of Mashhad, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Physical education department, Islamic Azad university of Mashhad, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Physical education department, Ferdowsi university of Mashhad, Iran


The current paper aims to develop theoretical indicators of implementing talent management in Iranian sports organizations. The qualitative and grounded theory approach based on Strauss&Corbin (1998) were used. The population included 17 managers and associates, professors and responsibles of Iranian sports organizations (sports federations) who were selected by quota-sampling (snowball) procedure. Data was gathered by the semi-structured interview. The concepts obtained in the causative conditions were explained by twelve topics of politicization, lack of planning, distrust, limited participation, inefficiency of the advertising structure, discriminatory attitudes, inefficiency of the monitoring system, weakness of the coordinated, integrated and unprofessional system and morality. In contextual conditions, four topics of culture, knowledge, psychology and autonomy were extracted.In intervention conditions, four technical, environmental, managerial and structural, individual and interpersonal general areas, in the identified strategies, five main categories included internal and external challenges and the consequences of implementing talent management in sports organizations lead to the development of sports organizations at individual, organizational and process dimensions in national sports organizations. Finally, it is concluded that implementing talent management and consideration of its components in all levels of sports organizations could help to promote athletic, educational and professional national sports. It is suggested that the future researchers will explore the impact of talent management on structural, behavioral and content dimension of sports organizations.


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  • Ashton, C., & Morton, L. (2005). “Managing talent for competitive advantage: Taking a systemic approach to talent management”. Strategic HR review, 4(5): 28–31.
  • Askari Bajgarani, M., Shaemi, A. & Alameh, S.M. (2012). “Assessing the level of talent management strategies in Isfahan city municipality”. Journal of urban management, 10(29): 277-286. (Persian).
  • Barbu, M., Diaconescu, D. (2018). “Talent management in sport organizations”. Journal of Sport and Kinetic Movement, 1(31): 62-65.
  • Barron, P. (2008). “Education and talent management: Implications for the hospitality industry”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 20(7): 730-742.
  • Boore, J., & Porter, S. (2011). “Education for entrepreneurship in nursing”. Nurse Education Today, 31(2): 184-191.
  • Budhwar, P.S., & Bhatnagar, J. (2007). Talent management strategy of employee engagement in Indian ITES employees: key to retention. Employee relations.
  • Cascio, W.F., & Boudreau, J.W. (2016). “The search for global competence: From international HR to talent management”. Journal of World Business, 51(1): 103-114.
  • Collings, D.G., & Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic talent management: A review and research agenda”. Human resource management review, 19(4): 304-313.
  • Corbin, J., & Strauss, A. (2014). “Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory”. Sage publications.
  • Economist Intelligence Unit (2006). The CEO’s role in talent management: How top executives from ten countries are nurturing the leaders of tomorrow, London: The Economist.
  • FaridFathi, M., Rouzbahani, M., Farahmand, F. & Kazem, B. (2017). “Designing Relationship Model of talent management, Innovation and Knowledge sharing in Yoths and Sport Ministry”. Scientific Journal of Organizational Behavior Management in Sport Studies, 4(2): 113-123. (Persian).
  • Fesangari, E., Javadipour, M & Saadatifar, E. (2016). Assessment of Talent Management Strategy in Physical Education and Sport Sciences Research Institute, International Conference on Physical Education and Sport, Tehran. (Persian).
  • Glaser, B.G., & Strauss, A.L. (2017). Discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research. Routledge.
  • Haji Nabi, K., Reisi, P., & Ojagh, N.S. (2014). “Relationship between talent management and nursing employee performance in hospitals of Karaj city”. Health Information Management, 10, 971. (Persian).
  • Hajikarimi, A., Soltani, M. (2011). “Study and analysis of talent management measures: a case study of Iran machinery and industrial equipment industry”. Journal of organizational culture management, 9(23): 95-116. (Persian).
  • HemmatiNezhad, M.A., Malek Akhlagh, E., Motaghitalab, M., Afsharnezhad, T. (2008). “The relationship between demographic characteristics of active and inactive participants and their interest for repetition of trip to place of competitions”. Harkat periodical, 37(0): 93-112. (Persian).
  • Khalvandi, F., & Abbaspour, A. (2014). “Strategic Model of Talent Management: A Case Study of Pars Oil and Gas Company”. Human Resource Management in the Oil Industry, 6(21): 133-172. (Persian).
  • Krishnan, T. N., & Scullion, H. (2017). “Talent management and dynamic view of talent in small and medium enterprises”. Human Resource Management Review, 27(3): 431-441.
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  • Lotfi Yamchi, K., Kalateh Seifari, M. & Hoseini, E. (2018). “Structural model of effect of talent management on human resource productivity and innovation in sport organizations (case study: youth and sports department in east Azarbaijan province)”. Journal of Human resource management in sport, 5(1): 35-48. (Persian).
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  • Maqueira, J.M., Bruque, S. & Uhrin, Á. (2019). “Talent management: two pathways to glory? Lessons from the sports arena”. Employee Relations, 41(1): 34–51.
  • Maroufi A, Zahedi, Z & Hosseinpour D. (2016). “The effect of talent management and structural characteristics on organizational innovation”. International conference on industrial engineering and management. (Persian).
  • Mohan, N. (2008). Talent management of Indian industry. (Doctoral dissertation).
  • Naderi, N., YarAhmadi, M. & Almasi Fard, M.R. (2012). “Talent management; implications, approaches and conceptual models”. Naja human resources, 3(29): 75-100. (Persian).
  • Newhall, S. (2012). “A global approach to talent management”. Human Resource Management International Digest, 20(6): 31–34.
  • Norouzi, R., Sepahvand, R., Mosavi, K., & Fatahi, F. (2018). “Deigning a structural model for relationship between talent management, staff empowerment, and organizational effectiveness in sport and youth administrations in Tehran province”. Journal of Human Resource Management in Sport, 5(1): 49-65. (Persian).
  • O'Reilly, C.A., & Pfeffer, J. (2000). “Hidden value: How great companies achieve extraordinary results with ordinary people”. Harvard Business Press.
  • Rezaeian, A. & Soltani, F. (2009). “Introduction of comprehensive and systemic model of talent management to enhance the individual performance of oil industry's employees”. Journal of HR management in oil industry, 8, 7-51. (Persian).
  • Rothwell, W.J., Jackson, R.D., Ressler, C.L., Jones, M.C., & Brower, M. (2015). Career Planning and Succession Management: Developing Your Organization's Talent—for Today and Tomorrow. ABC-CLIO.
  • Sarkar, S., & Osiyevskyy, O. (2018). “Organizational change and rigidity during crisis: A review of the paradox”. European Management Journal, 36(1): 47-58.
  • Shirafkan, H. (2016). “A study of social factors affecting social alienation among students of Pasabad branch Islamic Azad University”. Quarterly journal of management and entrepreneurship studies, 2(2): 112-119. (Persian).
  • Tarique, I., & Schuler, R.S. (2010). “Global talent management: Literature review, integrative framework, and suggestions for further research”. Journal of world business, 45(2): 122-133.
  • Tatoglu, E., Glaister, A. J., & Demirbag, M. (2016). “Talent management motives and practices in an emerging market: A comparison between MNEs and local firms”. Journal of World Business, 51(2): 278-293.
  • Wiblen, S., Dery, K., & Grant, D. (2012). “Do you see what I see? The role of technology in talent identification”. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 50(4): 421-438.


  • Ahmadi, A.A., Ahmadi, F., & Abbaspalangi, J (2012). “Talent Management and Succession Planning”. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business. 4(1): 213-225. (Persian).
  • Armstrong, M. (2014). Management Strategic human resource: Thirteenth edition 2014. London, 18.
  • Asadi, F. & Valfi, S.H. (2016). The relationship between talent management and knowledge sharing (Case Study: Region 41 Box City Tehran). Third International Conference on billing with new approaches and applied research, 26 Fb. (Persian).
  • Ashton, C., & Morton, L. (2005). “Managing talent for competitive advantage: Taking a systemic approach to talent management”. Strategic HR review, 4(5): 28–31.
  • Askari Bajgarani, M., Shaemi, A. & Alameh, S.M. (2012). “Assessing the level of talent management strategies in Isfahan city municipality”. Journal of urban management, 10(29): 277-286. (Persian).
  • Barbu, M., Diaconescu, D. (2018). “Talent management in sport organizations”. Journal of Sport and Kinetic Movement, 1(31): 62-65.
  • Barron, P. (2008). “Education and talent management: Implications for the hospitality industry”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 20(7): 730-742.
  • Boore, J., & Porter, S. (2011). “Education for entrepreneurship in nursing”. Nurse Education Today, 31(2): 184-191.
  • Budhwar, P.S., & Bhatnagar, J. (2007). Talent management strategy of employee engagement in Indian ITES employees: key to retention. Employee relations.
  • Cascio, W.F., & Boudreau, J.W. (2016). “The search for global competence: From international HR to talent management”. Journal of World Business, 51(1): 103-114.
  • Collings, D.G., & Mellahi, K. (2009). “Strategic talent management: A review and research agenda”. Human resource management review, 19(4): 304-313.
  • Corbin, J., & Strauss, A. (2014). “Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory”. Sage publications.
  • Economist Intelligence Unit (2006). The CEO’s role in talent management: How top executives from ten countries are nurturing the leaders of tomorrow, London: The Economist.
  • FaridFathi, M., Rouzbahani, M., Farahmand, F. & Kazem, B. (2017). “Designing Relationship Model of talent management, Innovation and Knowledge sharing in Yoths and Sport Ministry”. Scientific Journal of Organizational Behavior Management in Sport Studies, 4(2): 113-123. (Persian).
  • Fesangari, E., Javadipour, M & Saadatifar, E. (2016). Assessment of Talent Management Strategy in Physical Education and Sport Sciences Research Institute, International Conference on Physical Education and Sport, Tehran. (Persian).
  • Glaser, B.G., & Strauss, A.L. (2017). Discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research. Routledge.
  • Haji Nabi, K., Reisi, P., & Ojagh, N.S. (2014). “Relationship between talent management and nursing employee performance in hospitals of Karaj city”. Health Information Management, 10, 971. (Persian).
  • Hajikarimi, A., Soltani, M. (2011). “Study and analysis of talent management measures: a case study of Iran machinery and industrial equipment industry”. Journal of organizational culture management, 9(23): 95-116. (Persian).
  • HemmatiNezhad, M.A., Malek Akhlagh, E., Motaghitalab, M., Afsharnezhad, T. (2008). “The relationship between demographic characteristics of active and inactive participants and their interest for repetition of trip to place of competitions”. Harkat periodical, 37(0): 93-112. (Persian).
  • Khalvandi, F., & Abbaspour, A. (2014). “Strategic Model of Talent Management: A Case Study of Pars Oil and Gas Company”. Human Resource Management in the Oil Industry, 6(21): 133-172. (Persian).
  • Krishnan, T. N., & Scullion, H. (2017). “Talent management and dynamic view of talent in small and medium enterprises”. Human Resource Management Review, 27(3): 431-441.
  • Leigh, A. (2009). Research topic: “Talent management”. People Management, 33, 86-95.
  • Lotfi Yamchi, K., Kalateh Seifari, M. & Hoseini, E. (2018). “Structural model of effect of talent management on human resource productivity and innovation in sport organizations (case study: youth and sports department in east Azarbaijan province)”. Journal of Human resource management in sport, 5(1): 35-48. (Persian).
  • Mali Tafti, M. & Taj al-Din, M. (2008). “Talents retention in organizations using socialization process”. Journal of Tadbir, 19, 74-75. (Persian).
  • Maqueira, J.M., Bruque, S. & Uhrin, Á. (2019). “Talent management: two pathways to glory? Lessons from the sports arena”. Employee Relations, 41(1): 34–51.
  • Maroufi A, Zahedi, Z & Hosseinpour D. (2016). “The effect of talent management and structural characteristics on organizational innovation”. International conference on industrial engineering and management. (Persian).
  • Mohan, N. (2008). Talent management of Indian industry. (Doctoral dissertation).
  • Naderi, N., YarAhmadi, M. & Almasi Fard, M.R. (2012). “Talent management; implications, approaches and conceptual models”. Naja human resources, 3(29): 75-100. (Persian).
  • Newhall, S. (2012). “A global approach to talent management”. Human Resource Management International Digest, 20(6): 31–34.
  • Norouzi, R., Sepahvand, R., Mosavi, K., & Fatahi, F. (2018). “Deigning a structural model for relationship between talent management, staff empowerment, and organizational effectiveness in sport and youth administrations in Tehran province”. Journal of Human Resource Management in Sport, 5(1): 49-65. (Persian).
  • O'Reilly, C.A., & Pfeffer, J. (2000). “Hidden value: How great companies achieve extraordinary results with ordinary people”. Harvard Business Press.
  • Rezaeian, A. & Soltani, F. (2009). “Introduction of comprehensive and systemic model of talent management to enhance the individual performance of oil industry's employees”. Journal of HR management in oil industry, 8, 7-51. (Persian).
  • Rothwell, W.J., Jackson, R.D., Ressler, C.L., Jones, M.C., & Brower, M. (2015). Career Planning and Succession Management: Developing Your Organization's Talent—for Today and Tomorrow. ABC-CLIO.
  • Sarkar, S., & Osiyevskyy, O. (2018). “Organizational change and rigidity during crisis: A review of the paradox”. European Management Journal, 36(1): 47-58.
  • Shirafkan, H. (2016). “A study of social factors affecting social alienation among students of Pasabad branch Islamic Azad University”. Quarterly journal of management and entrepreneurship studies, 2(2): 112-119. (Persian).
  • Tarique, I., & Schuler, R.S. (2010). “Global talent management: Literature review, integrative framework, and suggestions for further research”. Journal of world business, 45(2): 122-133.
  • Tatoglu, E., Glaister, A. J., & Demirbag, M. (2016). “Talent management motives and practices in an emerging market: A comparison between MNEs and local firms”. Journal of World Business, 51(2): 278-293.
  • Wiblen, S., Dery, K., & Grant, D. (2012). “Do you see what I see? The role of technology in talent identification”. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 50(4): 421-438.