Institutionalizing the effective factors of the general culture of public sports in the society (case study: Tehran province)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Sport Sciences Department, Payame Noor University, Tehran ,Iran.

2 2A member of theAcademic Staff of the Sports Sciences Department,, Malayer University,, Hamedan, Iran


The purpose of the present research was to institutionalize the effective factors onthe general culture of public sports in the society and the method was mixed with theexploratory type. The statistical community includes specialists and experts (sports managers, etc.) to discover the factors of institutionalization and managers, specialists and experts to determine the weighting of the factors and a population sample of 1500 people in the 5 districts of North, South, East, West and the Center of Tehran city that they were randomly selected. The measurement tool for data collection was a questionnaire made by a researcher which its face validity was approved by the professors of sports management, and its final validity was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.95.. Data were analyzed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and confirmatory factor analysis through SPSS and Lisrel software. The findings showed that the most important dimension in the institutionalization of sports and the effective factors in the culturalization of public sports, based on the factor loadings, was the organizational dimension with a factor loading of 1.07. After that, there were the individual dimension with a factor load of 0.82, the group dimension with a factor load of 0.72 and finally the environmental dimension with a factor load of 0.65. Therefore, it is concludedthat in the institutionalization of culture, it is necessary to prioritize organizational, individual, group and environmental aspects by Tehran Municipality and related institutions.


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