Application of path analysis model in explaining Indicators that have influence on success of sports teams in international events

Document Type : Research Paper



This research aims to explain Indicators that have influence on success of sports teams in
international events. Statically society was coaches, athletes and executive directors for individual
sports federations (which randomly selected four-Federations: wrestling, Lifting, Track and field,
Taekwondo) and was also the director of the national olympic committee and ministry of sport and
youth that 153 person finally respond to questionnaire. Data gathering tool was that standardized
questionnaire elite sports climate (De Bosscher,2011) which consists of 95 questions. Content
validity was assessed by related experts and the reliability of the questionnaire through a pilot
study with 30 patients and Cronbach’s Alpha (0/93) respectively. Through path analysis affecting
factors on success of sports teams have been studied. The results showed that two factors external
funding Financial support and Elite sport Environment With standardized coefficients 0/457 and
0/048 through structure of sport policies have indirect effect on sporting success respectively. Also
Talent identification variable With standardized coefficients the 0/348 has the maximum effect and
post-Career Support With standardized coefficients the 0/134 has the minimum effect in sporting
success. Finally, sport administrators and policy makers can identify success factors investment
and favorable focus on these factors.


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