Investigating the Relationship between Skill and Academic Literacy and the Success of Sport Business considering the Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student of Sport Management at Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch. Iran

2 Assistant Professor Physical Education Department. Sari unit Islamic Azad university. Sari unit Iran


The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between skill literacy, academic literacy and the success of sports business with the mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation. The statistical population includes entrepreneurs of sport businesses, including clubs, sports shops and sporting goods manufacturing industries throughout the country (N=11780) and using the Cochran formula, the sample size was 384. A questionnaire was used to collect the data. For statistical analysis, structural equation modeling technique was performed by smartPLS 2.0 software. The results showed that skill literacy and academic literacy affect the entrepreneurial orientation. Also entrepreneurial orientation, skill literacy and academic literacy have an impact on business success. The findings also showed that there is a significant relationship between skill literacy and academic literacy in the success of sports business with the mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation. Based on the results of the research, although academic literacy is an effective factor in the success of sport business, skill literacy has a more decisive role in terms of the strong correlation with business success. Therefore, it is suggested that entrepreneurs, managers and sports industry owners pay special attention to skill literacy.


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